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Tuesday, August 21


Architecture reflects culture but I was watching DW-TV in the internet and came across Ludwig II and the Neuschwanstein castle. Essentially, instead of culture, it reflects the person. If we are to describe Ludwig, we could say that he was eccentric and it showed in the structures he had built. It wasn't that he was extravagant, it's just as if he had his own world. Nearing the end of his life, a psychiatrist who wasn't even able to examine him declared him mentally unfit. It's very sad, really. But onto the castle, it looks like it came right out of a fairytale. Actually, the Disney castles are based on it. Inside a romantic theme (by this I mean as in opera) is followed and everywhere are insignias and objects that resemble a swan (it is named Neuschwanstein). Except for some rooms that show gothic features, it's like a living tribute to Wagner's operas. Anyway, I was just wondering whether there are other buildings today that mainly reflected the person, instead of the environment and the culture.

Sunday, August 12


I'm sort of wondering when we start studying about music and dance or was that covered by the Art In Action shows? I guess I am just more interested in other forms of art. That or maybe I'm starting to feel the itch of the impending break.

I'm quite intrigued by the creative project to be done tomorrow, Monday. I wonder what it is. Is it still about architecture? Is there a new topic? I don't know. I somewhat hope that there is a new topic. Architecture was somewhat taxing for me. I just find it hard to sit there and listen intently since I'm not that interested in the topic. It's pretty much like in my other subjects. I sometimes space out or have to exercise great control over myself not to space out. I just really like music and wish we start discussing it soon.

Monday, August 6


So the discussion on architecture has begun. I don't really know if I should be interested or just be okay with it. For some odd reason, I see it as if it follows the law of supply and demand. What the people need, what the current culture is--- it is what is catered or given to us in our structures. Anyway, let us stir from that since that's another half-baked thought that I don't really care to further ponder on.

I don't know why but I've always preferred the older styles. Contemporary doesn't really do it that much for me. I do admire it though from time to time despite the minimalist value it gives me because to me it somehow reflects some oriental (to be more specific, Japanese) influences. Why? Well because of the simplicity and elegance of it all. There's still the reach for tranquility and harmony. I must note that you don't see that often in renaissance or older western forms. Still, I've never been gray, but always black and at the same time white about such things.

I don't really know what I'm taking about now so I'll end this with saying that the mall I went to for the assignment, the pricier-foreign stores were in the pretty section. This will show when I pass my pictures tomorrow.