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Monday, August 6


So the discussion on architecture has begun. I don't really know if I should be interested or just be okay with it. For some odd reason, I see it as if it follows the law of supply and demand. What the people need, what the current culture is--- it is what is catered or given to us in our structures. Anyway, let us stir from that since that's another half-baked thought that I don't really care to further ponder on.

I don't know why but I've always preferred the older styles. Contemporary doesn't really do it that much for me. I do admire it though from time to time despite the minimalist value it gives me because to me it somehow reflects some oriental (to be more specific, Japanese) influences. Why? Well because of the simplicity and elegance of it all. There's still the reach for tranquility and harmony. I must note that you don't see that often in renaissance or older western forms. Still, I've never been gray, but always black and at the same time white about such things.

I don't really know what I'm taking about now so I'll end this with saying that the mall I went to for the assignment, the pricier-foreign stores were in the pretty section. This will show when I pass my pictures tomorrow.


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