Sunday, July 15 |
Painting |
Blogging is somewhat of a chore for me. Take note, somewhat, not completely. I'm just not really much of a writer. About the current lesson, I must say, I like it better than film. I've always been fascinated by paintings. Not all though. I've always been partial when it comes to the style and the era of a painting (I don't really know much about these, only a little). I have no idea as to why I like paintings over film when it comes to things like this but maybe one of the reasons is that there a certain romance in them. I'm not talking about romance as in kilig but as how the world used to be. Chivalry, courtly love (which is kinda stupid and not really worth it), a certain adoration or admiration. I know I'm not making any real sense because this thing is really hard to describe. I just think that there's something in certain or some paintings that drive you somewhere. Like you're in another time or world.
The week has been about the Mona Lisa. People say she looks like a man. I beg to differ. I think she actually pretty. The nose is thin and aquiline. There's a softness in her lips and the curves are feminine. The gaze is somewhat gentle and the cheeks are full. But then again we all have a different idea of what looks good or what kind of face is visually pleasing.
Posted by Lex, 5:44 PM