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Sunday, July 22

Painting... still

I do agree that talking about the Mona Lisa is getting a little tiring now. I sort of wish we had time to take on another painting or that we'd move on to the next topic. I have the tendency to tire of things easily and that doesn't mean I don't like whatever it is or what not. I just like tackling lots of things.

I look forward to the discussion about music and sculpture. I do wonder what piece the class will be studying. Half of me wishes the topic would be about something I already know about so that I would be more interested and further my knowledge about it and the other half wishes that it would be something new to me. I like learning, I like finding about things.

There was another group activity and it was hard to do given the small time we had and that my group mates and I did not share the same schedule. Also, we have different thought patterns. This uniqueness in us is all good and fun but then when it comes to works such as these it's quite troublesome because the product is almost always half baked and somewhat mediocre. I'm not trying to be a bad person, but I just think we could have done better. And given that no one was the leader type in our small group made it even taxing for us.


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