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Sunday, July 29

Female Art

I really thought the paintings were a glorification of the female form. After the discussion that it was the opposite, it got me to thinking. Isn't it something that the bodies are being painted and not locked away? That they're being celebrated (celebrated that is not like in a modern pornographic sense). Anyway, I don't really know what I'm typing about anymore. I just think that there are always two views on things (or maybe even more).

This coming week will be all about architecture. I was on my way home when I noticed the structures in Manila. I find it sad that we have buildings here that looked good before and now they're trashed. Everything is dirty and dilapitated. If it had received proper maintenance, walking through Manila would probably feel like strolling in the streets of Saschen-Anhalt or Hessen or Rome. They were built during the colonial period (which was pretty obvious looking at the types of windows, doors, crowns and roof, oh and the rails too). It's one of the things I don't like about our country. We can't seem to take care of what we have. We have this tendency to destroy and put things for granted. I'm not saying that other countries don't do this too but I live here, I notice it and it's just sad to see how beauty is wasted on us.


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