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Sunday, June 3


Last Friday the discussion about film started. I'm not really sure whether I would be interested or not. I'm pretty picky when it comes to films. Sure I watch a lot but not many make it to my list of good ones. I'm the type who waits/looks for that "oomph". I am passive when it comes to movies. If I like the story then I like it, one scene moves me, I like it, the characters are genius, I like it. Not much deep reflection or critical eyeing when it comes to accepting things as good. I guess you can say that I am more critical when it comes to music. I will try though to do my best in appreciating film. You may say that the enhancement of my assessment of it has already started. I never really thought that camera shots could portray or amplify certain things in a scene. It hasn't crossed my mind that the type of shot gave meaning. This makes me think that I may have to re-watch some movies to see whether I missed something the first time I saw it. I feel as if there are undertones that I wasn't able to explore.

Anyway, this acquisition of partial insight into the machinations of film has swayed my notion that movies are not art. I say this because about a few days ago I never saw certain elements in film. I thought it was for those who refused to think and that there are only few outstanding ones that transcended the rut. So basically, what I'm trying to say is that the lesson from last Friday has been a good one for me. I learned new things and it gave me a new perspective.

I'm sorry but I really can't write and I'm doing my best. :|


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